1 min read

What is a Slot?

A slot is a position in a construction into which any one of a set of morphemes or morpheme sequences can fit. A slot is also the name of a mechanical device for inserting objects into another: The screwhead S was slotted into place.

A space in a machine for receiving coins or other items: The slots in the door are closed. A slot is also the term for an electronic circuit that receives and processes information: The chip in the computer is located on a slot in the motherboard.


A position in a phrase or clause that can accept various grammatical functions: The word is used in many ways, from an adjective to a verb. It is sometimes shortened to slit, especially in informal speech: She slotted the paper into the folder.


The main thing to remember about slot is that the result of each spin is completely random. Only those combinations that hit a winning combination will result in a payout, and no one can predict when a machine is due to pay out. For this reason, it is very important to know your limits and play responsibly. A good way to do this is by looking for games that have recently paid out, as these will likely have the cashout amount displayed next to the number of credits remaining. This will help you avoid chasing losing spins and stay within your limit. This is particularly important when playing progressive jackpot games, as these can have very high maximum wins.