1 min read

A Beginner’s Guide to Poker

Poker is a card game in which players place bets before they see their cards. It is generally played with a complete hand of five cards but can also be played with less than a full hand and with wild cards (often called jokers). The highest ranked hand wins the pot. The game is a form of gambling but it involves significant skill and psychology as well.

To play the game you need a set of cards – most games use the standard 52 card pack but some add extra cards or allow wild cards. There are four suits – spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs – but no suit is higher than another.

Each player gets two personal cards in their hands and then the dealer deals three more cards face up on the table – these are community cards which everyone can use. If you have a good poker hand you can then raise or fold your bets based on the strength of your hand.

One of the biggest mistakes beginner players make is getting too attached to their pockets – having pocket kings or queens on the flop can be a huge mistake if there are a lot of flush and straight cards on the board. Having the discipline to study ONE concept at a time is going to improve your chances of long term success – watching a cbet video on Monday and reading a poker book about ICM on Tuesday are not great combinations for learning poker.